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Using FlinSafe centralises the storage of health and safety data, allowing more consistent data recording, more efficient reporting methods, better analysis and monitoring of trends and work health and safety key performance indicators.Ĭurrent Flinders University students can obtain Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus through their Flinders account. The FlinSafe field trip system is used by all staff and students involved in field trips run by Flinders University. The FlinSafe application is used to find and manage health and safety data by moderators, the Work Health and Safety unit and area, division and college and portfolio management

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The FlinSafe public portal is used to report hazards, accidents and incidents and is available to all Flinders staff, students, contractors, volunteers,visitors, work experience students, labour hire workers and others.

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There are different ways to use FlinSafe according to your task, your role or the information needed. FlinSafe is the Work Health and Safety reporting and data management system used by Flinders University.